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The Satisfaction of Summer!


As we begin the last week in August 2023, I was inspired to reflect on the season of Summer. Summer is a season that many of us find enjoyable. Longer days, warmer weather, time off, increased family time, and availability of different fruits and vegetables, all characterize Summer. Summer months are necessary. Vegetation and animal life are designed to benefit and complete certain processes and steps in the Summer. For example, a warmer climate helps the egg production of some insects, thereby providing more food for insect-eating animals. Summer is a necessary season in the cycle of life.

Summer causes vegetation to flourish if watered and nourished properly. Summer provides vitamin D more plentiful than other seasons. Summer is marked by family and friends and great memories of beaches, amusement parks, reunions, book reads, etc.

Yet some of us reading this message may have thoughts of Summer being too hot, too busy, too expensive, or too long, you get the point. Or you may be a person who desires Summer to be year-round. I found a blog where the blogger identified a place to travel every month of the year to experience the Summer climate! I welcome the change of seasons and personal changes that are associated with the environmental changes around me.

The truth is satisfaction in any season, any situation, or any circumstance is based on 2 key factors: 1) what you receive or what is presented from or through a situation, and 2) what you desire or expect. When what I desire and expect is what is presented, I am most likely satisfied! Conversely, when there is a misalignment between what I expect and what is presented or experienced I become discontent or dissatisfied.

Digging a little deeper, what part of this equation can I control or manage every single time? My personal desires and expectations. This is what I can manage, influence, monitor, etc. On the other hand, I can not control what is always presented or delivered to me. For example, I am most satisfied in the Summer when the temperature is between 75 and 85 and humidity is low with 0% chance of precipitation. However, what the day presents and delivers to me is thunderstorms followed by a brutally humid afternoon. At that moment I have a choice to be satisfied or to be discontent.

I can't expect the attributes of Fall in the Summer; if so, I will be dissatisfied every time! I embrace seasons and situations for what they are and I respond accordingly to personally flourish in peace, joy, and progress forward. When I am satisfied, I find fulfillment. When I am dissatisfied I find displeasure. So it's a choice. My satisfaction in any season, any situation, any circumstance, and the behavior of others, is found in a personal choice. I choose to re-align my expectations, plans, and accommodations to what is happening around me to foster joy and peace versus disappointment, sadness, or sulking.

I hope your Summer has been satisfying! More importantly, I pray that your lives are satisfying every day, regardless of the day, month, or season. Choose to be satisfied. Choose to be grateful. Choose to shift your expectations. Choose to maximize each day regardless of season or circumstance for which you have no control.

I am Summer Satisfied (Fall Satisfied, Winter Satisfied, and Spring Satisfied too)!

I have learned to be content (satisfied) in every situation (see Philippians 4:11-13)

FredaSpeaks Thank You for Subscribing to FredaSpeaks!

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