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Restart. Renew. Refocus. - Part II


"Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent." Unknown

“...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and

not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31, NIV

Happy October! Part 2 of this "Manna" series, is based on the process of renewing. When I hear the word renew, my mind immediately goes to the days of my childhood when books were "borrowed," from a library and then returned after a defined period of time. Libraries were found in schools and local neighborhoods. Some libraries were larger than others and by default had a better inventory of books, and more "cubby" spaces to isolate and lose yourself in the pages of your selected book. If you didn't finish the book on-site, you could "check out" the book. The librarian would stamp a card indicating the return date and place it in an affixed pocket as a reminder. Failure to return the book when stamped resulted in a fee being assessed and charged to your library card account.

There was a provision to finish your read while not receiving late fees. This was the process of renewing. You would return to the library before the due date, and get an extension, a new return date for your book. This process is renewal. As an adult, there are things I have to renew before a defined expiration or due date like my driver's license, insurance, car inspections, AAA coverage, lease agreement, and even some electronic subscriptions. Failure to renew these items before the due date might result in a penalty (financial impact), a suspension (assessing a fee and/or requiring a new application), or being subject to annoying reminders through calls, emails, and letters.

Renewal of any of these services is to be a convenience and a continued source of protection or services. Renewing when prompted saves me time, money, and worry, and I avoid the risk of not being covered, serviced, or legal (in the event of an expired license or inspection). My question is, "What is your renewal process?" How do you gear up, prepare for, plan for, or energize for the finish? When a continuation is needed how do you prepare to maximize the momentum? NO restart is needed, just need to press beyond what was originally believed to be the finish line. How do you proactively renew? Do you recognize renewal is needed before it's too late? Before it's too costly? Before the process of resuming becomes burdensome?

Self-renewal looks at these aspects of our lives: physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional. Assess how you personally renew in these areas. Some renew with time away, spa services, a drive, or a walk. Do you renew by reading a favorite passage of scripture, listening to your favorite music, or visiting with your loved ones? The second question is when do you renew? Are you proactive or reactive? Do you wait until you're forced to renew, last minute (procrastination), or proactively? How one recognizes renewal is needed is an individual assessment. However, if you haven't finished what was started and time is running short a renewal may be needed. If you have a deadline and are a bit nervous about meeting it, renewal may be needed. If you are no longer energized or passionate about the tasks at hand, renewal may be needed. Renew today.

Remember the Calgon commercials? "Calgon, take me away."

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